I tend to get asked the same questions, so here are the 5 most frequent questions that I get asked and my answers to them

Q1: Why do you only read and review non-fiction?

My answer is short: I like to and find it the most interesting. You know how everyone has their thing that they just like and can’t explain it? Non-fiction is that thing for me. It’s a subject that I naturally gravitate toward, primarily because I enjoy learning new things. I dabble into fiction occasionally (see Question #4) but only when I feel like it.

Q2: Do you read every book that you post about?

Yes. I only post about books that I’ve read. I will always include a disclaimer if I have yet to read the book, which doesn’t happen too often. It’s imperative to me that my content is authentic, honest, and reliable, so I would never do anything to jeopardize those pillars.

Q3: Why and how do you read so much?

The answer is also short: because I’m curious, I like to know things and hate not knowing things. My other short answer is that I’m a Virgo, but that answer is always met with eye-rolls, so let’s stick with the first one I gave.

Q4: Do you ever read fiction?

Another short answer is yes, I do; I just don’t discuss it on BATE. I also don’t know how to thoroughly review a fiction book like I do a nonfiction book, so I like to casually read fiction from time to time without thinking too hard about it.

Q5: What’s your favorite book?

This answer requires a bit of explanation: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This response gets a strong reaction because my favorite book is fiction, not non-fiction. I still have a few non-fiction absolute favorites, but my favorite book of all time, which I have different copies of and reread every year, is The Great Gatsby. I could write an essay on why I love the book so much (honestly, now that I have this website, I think I will). But the book holds a lot of sentimental value to me, so it is my favorite book.