How To Build Good Habits: Key Ideas from Atomic Habits by James Clear

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Atomic Habits by James Clear is a thorough study of habits, the science behind them, and how we can leverage habits to improve our personal growth and development.

Clear introduces the critical framework of the habit loop in his book, which he uses as a reference to help readers thoroughly understand how habits work.

Clears’ habit loop, however, differs from the one Charles Duhigg refers to in his book The Power of Habit. Duhigg’s habit loop consists of only three steps: cue, response, and reward. Conversely, Clears’ habit loop consists of four steps: cue, craving, response, and reward.

Atomic Habits by James Clear, 4 stages of habit
The 4 Stages of Habits from Atomic Habits by James Clear
  1. Cue: a specific time, place, or object that notifies our brain to carry out the habit
  2. Craving: the motivational driving force behind every action
  3. Response: carrying out the habit
  4. Reward: treating yourself during or after habit completion

Here’s an example of the habit loop in action and some questions you can ask yourself when building a habit.

Scenario: You want to get into the habit of reading daily.

First, select your cue.

  • What time are you going to read every single day?
  • Where are you going to read every day?
  • What are ways you can make your cue most visible? 

Second, establish your motivational force.

  • Why do you want to start reading?
  • What are the benefits of reading daily?
  • What are some subjects that you’re excited to learn about?

Third, carry out the habit. 

  • How long are you going to read for? 
  • What are some ways you can make the habit as easy as possible to do? (ex, buying your books in advance, leaving them next to your bed stand) 

Fourth, reward yourself.

  • How do you want to reward yourself? (For example, you could pay yourself money or let yourself scroll on social media.)
  • How often do you want to reward yourself (after every chapter or book read)?


Creating new habits and breaking old ones can be difficult, but understanding how habits work and breaking down the habit into four steps makes implementing new habits less daunting, more straightforward, and more enjoyable.

To purchase Atomic Habits, a highly acclaimed book on building good habits and breaking bad ones, click here.